Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One month of guitar

After a month of learning the guitar (well pretty much) I have come to a few conclusions:
  • I have no particular natural talent for music! Maybe no one does, but I certainly don't
  • Even though I'm not very good yet, it's still fun
  • Apparently children are good at learning this sort of thing but as an adult I have the advantage of knowing how to learn stuff and a lot more willpower than a child which is nice
  • Years of studying language and my current Mandarin helps a lot with reasonably abstract things like music notation
So after a month I'm part of the way through the fourth of twenty lessons and I'm in the process of finishing learning the notes in the first position (sharps and flats included), which is not too bad going. I clearly need to practice more before moving on, however this has allowed me to produce a rough approximation of a number of songs starting with (I think) Yankee Doodle and Ode to Joy and now I'm working on Fur Elise and the Star Spangled Banner for the Americans (well it is an American course after all).

I do have a book to learn some more songs as well but right now I want to finish this section and get to the chords which seems to be where most courses start. I am also hoping that the heating comes on soon (this weekend I think is the plan) because my hands keep getting really cold when I'm playing!

However I am still having fun, even with the boring exercises!

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