Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Gym

Everyone that knows me knows that I'm lazy and I hate exercising. However, given I have some spare time and the inclination, I decided that I would try to get a bit fitter and stronger before I get too old :)

As such, Jane and I joined the gym in our apartment complex a few weeks ago and I have been trying to go three times a week and push myself a bit.

The gym itself is called First Club (!!) and is sort of like a cross between a nice gym (like I would know what a nice gym is like) and a gentleman's club. There are all the required machines/bikes/treadmills/free-weights/dumbbells and things as well as a pool (which was a must-have) but the change rooms must be seen to be believed (although they frown on photography:). The men's change rooms run over 2 levels and appear to be an all-naked zone as required. Each person gets two lockers, one outer one with a pair of thongs/sandles in them (so you don't have to get your own shoes wet) and then another, inner locker where you actually store your stuff. There's a shaving/haircare/general upkeep area complete with couches and then the normal bathroom stuff. Downstairs there's a row of showers with superfluous curtains that no one uses (except me:) -- as an aside, the woman from Jane's work we were talking to about gyms used to belong to one that she left because they didn't have enough showers and people would just join you in a cubicle when they got busy! -- also a spa with bubbles, a spa without bubbles, a proper sauna with hot and cold rocks and everything and finally, a media room where you can watch TV and play games completely naked if you want to.

It's a brave new world!!


  1. The locals probably suspect that you probably have some hideous physiological problem which you're trying to hide behind your superfluous curtain.

  2. Little do they know that my hideous problems are not visible to the naked eye!
