Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chinese New Year

Hi All!
I haven't written anything on my blog lately, partly cause not that much has been happening but I've also fallen out of the habit so I will try to post a little more in the future.

It's currently the middle of Chinese New Year (called Spring Festival in China). This is one of the times of year where the Chinese get a whole week off that they usually use to visit their families. The news said they were expecting upwards of 3 billion trips (planes, trains, cars and buses) over this period and also explains why I'm not in the US. The tickets were going to cost me way too much so I ended up staying home.
The other thing about CNY are the fireworks. There was a sign in the lefts in the building saying that they are only permitted to let off fireworks between 7am and 12am (only 19 hours a day!) but they broke that in the first day!

As of Sunday, they started just after 7am and went until a bit after 3am the next morning, then started again around 8am or so. They have calmed down a little now (so they're not going constantly) but in the evenings it's still pretty regular. I'm not a huge fan of fireworks, probably even less of a fan now, but they have been nice to watch. I took a video at about 10:30pm the other night (people with no bandwidth like grandparents may not want to watch at home :)
That was from my apartment window looking out over the frozen lake in the middle of the complex.

It was also my birthday the other day which was nice. There are some people here that it was nice to see (hi Adam and Anita!!) but I was definitely missing Jane and everyone back in Aus. Usually we have a nice big birthday party with everyone who's around and I really missed that this year.

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